Carrick Tree Tenders are a loosely organized group of volunteers who trim new trees, adjust stakes so they grow straighter, mulch and weed – all important things for new urban trees. They also clean up litter around trees. Because of the Tree Tenders, 200 trees have been planted in Carrick, mostly along Brownsville Road, helping make the next generation of urban trees thrive.

The tree enthusiasts are coordinated by the Carrick Community Council. Taking care of trees during their early years helps ensure their longevity, beautifies the area and provides opportunities for people in Carrick to get to know each other. The volunteers generally get together once a month to care for new trees. Advance registration is required so the right amount of supplies can be on hand.

Public meetings have been held to discuss where to plant replacements for dead or missing trees, fill in open tree pits and ways to encourage more people to get involved as Tree Tenders.

even single trees have a … role locally in preventing washouts and in holding stream banks … trees contribute significantly to nutrient recycling, carbon dioxide absorption, and oxygen generation.

Encyclopedia Britannica

Tree Pittsburgh supplies training, tools, equipment and safety gear. People are recommended to dress for the elements in clothes they don’t mind getting dirty. With a mission to create a healthy urban forest, Tree Pittsburgh does tree tending throughout Pittsburgh. The organization teaches people how to tend trees – urban forestry practices, pruning and maintenance, even offering instruction on organizing tree plantings. It is a nonprofit urban forestry organization founded by members of the Shade Tree Commission

The Shade Tree Commission works to restore and maintain Pittsburgh’s urban forest. It recognizes the value of Pittsburgh’s urban trees as one of the city’s greatest assets, and provides objective information about the city’s trees to people who influence or make decisions about them. The Shade Tree Commission is appointed by the mayor and approved by City Council. It is funded by the Outdoor Advertising Excise Tax and developers who are unable to meet street tree requirements.

An urban forest is made of city trees. They’re generally not parks – they don’t offer paths, rest rooms or clear borders. Along with beautifying cities, urban forests help the climate and the economy. They provide shelter to wildlife. They can offer recreational areas.

During the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, Tree Pittsburgh’s flagship Tree Tenders course moved from in-person to online teaching, and they celebrated trees with social distanced “Pizza on YOUR Porch”.

The trees that have been planted and cared for are largely along Brownsville Road in Carrick.